The housEvolve System
housEvolve Garage Door Controller

- Compatible with all garage door openers.
- The Garage Door Controller module may be used with an optional water-resistant, secure door access keypad. Available separately.
- When used in Stand-Alone mode, the Garage Door Controller requires a dedicated power supply, available separately. Garage Door Controller as a Stand-Alone product (used with optional keypad):
- Offers local access to your garage door.
- Status indicators alert the user to conditions that prevent door operation (no power, no password defined, etc).
- Temporary keypad lockout on repeated incorrect password entries.
- Unobtrusive operation: the user can continue to make use of all previously available means to control the garage door.
- Check the current door state (open/closed). 2. Control:
- Open and close door remotely with confirmation.
- Change outdoor keypad password remotely (if used with optional keypad module). 3. Alerts:
- Door Activation Time-out Alert. Issued if door failed to open/close after being instructed to do so.
- Door Open Too Long Alert. Issued if door is left open for longer than 30 minutes.
- Keypad Lockout Alert. Issued if the local access keypad becomes temporarily locked out following repeated, incorrect password entry attempts. In addition, the housEvolve system's Rechargeable Battery Backup Feature allows uninterrupted remote access to the Garage Door Controller module under power failure conditions for extended periods.
Optional Accessories:
Offers full access to the garage door from any phone.
1. Monitoring:
NOTE: Multiple Garage Door Controller modules may be used with a housEvolve Main Controller to control the operation of additional garage doors.